Seminar Announcement: Marian Marciniak

Data pubblicazione: 8-set-2014 10.51.26


Tuesday, 09 September 2014, 17:00

Sala Grande Palazzina B via alla Cascata 56/C

"Advanced modelling of nanophotonic structures - selected methods reviewed"

Marian Marciniak

National Institute of Telecommunications, Szachowa 1, 00-894 Warsaw, Poland

and Kielce University of Technology, Kielce, Poland


The talk will report on recent results in advanced nanophotonic structure modelling related to the CNR - Polish Academy of Sciences research project and other joint activities projected. The structures under investigation include three cases:

    1. Metal-Dielectric Multi-Nanolayer Structure Supporting Surface Plasmons - modelled with the Method of Single Expression MSE,

    2. Circular waveguide microresonator temperature sensor - modelled with the Method of Lines,

    3. Silver nanostrips - light scattering and absorption in free space modelled with the method of analytical regularization.

The exemplary results for optical field distributions, modal characteristics, and structure and device practical parameters will be presented.

Keywords: waveguide microresonator, metallic-dielectric systems, nanophotonics, Modeling.

The seminar will be completed by introducing shortly:

- International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks ICTON organization