International Summer School

Data pubblicazione: 23-mag-2023

International Summer School

Rare-Earth-Doped Optical Materials: Synthesis, Characterization, and Applications to Lasers

held in Krakow - Poland

27 August -1 September, 2023

The International Summer School focuses on:

- photoluminescence of crystals and glasses dedicated to laser systems,
- technology and properties of optical fibres doped with lanthanides,
- new active materials and glass-ceramic optical fibres for photonic applications.

The Summer School is organised by the H2020 FET-Open „NanoCrystals in Fibre Lasers” – NCLas project, which focuses on establishing a new class of optical materials based on a new hybrid nanosintering technology.

We encourage active student-lecturer interaction, providing a platform for discussions and the development of new ideas.

The Flyer and Lectureres you will find in the attachent.

To attend, please visit NCLas Summer School webpage:

Do not hesitate to contact me (Dominik Dorosz) if you need more information.

Yours sincerely,
Matthias Jäger
Markus Pollnau
Dominik Dorosz