Data pubblicazione: 24-ott-2016 7.31.18
Rare-Earth Doped Glass Materials and Fibre Lasers
Povo-Trento, Italy
October 18-19, 2016
Important dates
Submission deadline: September 26, 2016
Welcome to Trento at the EAGLES meeting “Rare-Earth Doped Glass Materials and Fibre Lasers". The event is organized by the Institute of Photonics and Nanotechnology of the CNR and the FBK jointly with COST Action MP1401 "Advanced fibre laser and coherent source as tools for society, manufacturing and lifescience". It will take place on 18-19 October 2016 in Povo-Trento in the FBK building.
Aims of this Working Group Meeting are:
provide an exhaustive description of the consolidated activity in the framework of the WG1- Materials, Fibres, Components and Technology and its technical and scientific synergic connections with the WG2- New laser and amplifier devices,
clearly define the challenges to be addresses, the technologies and protocols to be further developed and the short term strategies to implement the action,
make easy the link among industrial needs and research outcomes